Signs indicating when to change car tyres

Driving on worn-out tyres can be dangerous in the best of conditions. Determining when your car tyres need a replacement is important. Let us know how you can find out that it’s time to replace them. 

Below are the ways to figure out if your tyre needs to be changed:


Inspect your tyres before or after a long drive as it gives you confidence while you are on the road. Begin by turning off the ignition and have your parking brake on. Now observe all four tyres and if you see any visible cracks, splits, sidewalls unusual bumps, or punctures have your tyres checked at a service centre right away. 

Driving with tread wear is not a safe option. Moreover, if your tyre indicators are at the same level as your tread it’s time to get them replaced. 

Date of manufacturing

It is suggested to change your car’s tyres every six years as the tread component of your tyre becomes less efficient over time. You can check the tyre age by referring the date of manufacturing mentioned on the outer wall of the tyre. The first two digits are the week of manufacturing and the last two are the year of manufacturing.

Tread depth

The life span of a tyre is often determined by the amount of tread left on it. The main aim of a tread is to divert the water that is beneath the tyre surface, improve handling and gripping. Moreover, to prevent hydroplaning on the roads those are wet. A worn tyre is unsafe to drive especially when the tread goes down to 1.6mm. 

You can find out the tread depth with the help of a gauge. You have to find out the tread depth from different angles and then find out the average of it. The average will be the tread depth of the vehicle.

Rubber cracks

Rubber cracks are caused by harsh conditions like acid rain and ultraviolet rays that make the tread component erode. Even though the tyres have chemicals that have anti-ageing properties, these don’t have an everlasting effect. When you take your car to the professional he will tell you that these cracks due to environmental factors and you don’t need to worry about the cracks until they descend deep in the rubber.


Bulges are the sign of a serious issue as these occur in severe conditions that are when the inner lining if the tyre hits a curb. You may have to replace the tyre immediately in the case of bulges. Take these damages seriously as these may cause blowouts.

Uneven wear

There are various reasons behind uneven wear, it may be a misalignment or broken suspension component. Moreover, your personal driving habits also affect tyre. 

Tyres Bridlington is essential road components hence it’s important to inspect them regularly irrespective of how slow or fast you drive. If you need any advice regarding cheap tyres fitted, talk to your nearby tyre retailer.

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